I have a love/hate relationship with working Monday nights at Dockside. “All you can eat wings for 10.99”; a phrase forever imprinted in my head. Fortunately, most people coming in on Wing Night already know the deal and are ready to order their first round by the time they reach their seats. That makes things easy. What I love about Mondays is the consistency. More often than not you’re going to have a pretty steady, busy night. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, there’ll be a nice pop and you’ll make good. What sucks is the 2 dollar tips on every seat. Sometimes you even get a measly dollar. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were in and out and tipped you the minimum, but I’m running back and forth for you for almost an hour, refilling your water (cheap ass), and bringing your 5-10 rounds of wings (fat ass). Then some people (more then you’d think) get their ticket and complain about the 69 cent bleu cheese. “Yeah we charge extra for ranch and for celery. I told you that when you ordered it. Don’t act surprised.” But what gets me pissed off the most, more than anything, is the people demanding to-go boxes. Not just asking, I get that. I hate to see all those wings put in the trash too. But every night, at least one person begs for a box.
Here’s you receipt. Thanks for coming in tonight guys.
Can I have a box for these please?
I’m sorry, we are not allowed to give out boxes on Wing Night. Store policy.
Oh come on, I don’t wanna throw all these out.
I wish I could.
Don’t be like that, come on. I won’t tell.
I’m sure you won’t, but I like this job sir and I’ll lose it if I get caught giving out boxes.
Alright, I see how it is.
It’s like a buffet sir, you can’t take…
It’s cool. Thanks anyway. (under his breath) Jerk.
As you can imagine, these assholes aren’t the best tippers.
The best thing about Mondays is there’s a lot of people coming in. So long as you keep churning and burning them through, you’ll do well. It’s also nice to see the regulars recognize you. I’ve been on Mondays long enough now to get people requesting my section. That’s a good little boost for my ego, and it looks great to management.