Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2 - The List

I think I've finally got my apartment choices narrowed down. With a place in the works, I can start to shift some focus on job hunting. I walked in a few stores around Culver today, but not many (only one) were hiring. I really don't think I'm fit for retail, so I'm going try for an entertainment job or bust.

Special thanks to Shaun who quickly responded yesterday with some good places that are hiring in LA. Yesterday I also found out from a friend about some thing called "The UTA List", discreet job list sent out by trainees at UTA. Every couple of days these agents in training send the list out to their inner circle, detailing all the studios and agencies that are hiring in town. Pretty cool, if you can get it.

Worked on my cover letter a bit today and polished my resume. I love messing with the format, fiddling with fonts, and moving words around. Kinda fun,especially for a OCD guy like myself.

Tomorrow is my first day of improv class at iO West. I very excited to meet people there. I'm little nervous about performing again since I've been out of practice so long. Should be fun. Got an email today from our instructor. Apparently students at iO get into the shows for free. Saweet! Can't wait to watch some pros improv again.

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