Friday, September 11, 2009


Started my first LA internship today. My friend Kailey hooked it up. We went to high school together (Lely '05 represent!).  She has been a saint since I moved out here; hanging out, introducing me to friends, helping with work even. So far I have been reading scripts and writing summaries. I also had to drive another coworker to pick up the bosses car. Nice.

Yesterday I had a meeting at a legit talent agency. Not for acting so much as to talk about office opportunities. My new friend Jim, works there. We met through our parents who are friends in Naples. The talk went really well. We chatted about LA, finding work, and where to look. He's a really nice guy. One note Jim gave that will help was about interviews. When we were talking I mentioned being interested in many aspects of TV/Film such as acting, writing, directing and management. He said it might be better to leave off acting, since many employers are weary to hire actors because they tend to be unreliable, taking off for auditions constantly. I think I may have already lost a job because I mentioned acting in an interview.

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